

在一个充满网络威胁的世界里, transportation operators are re-thinking security strategies and adopting new methods for securing access to networks.  


网络安全风险对我们所有人来说都是现实, 每一天, 到处都是, 在我们所做的每件事上, 包括运送货物和人员. 这是我们上班路上的现实, 当我们在火车上旅行时, 公共汽车和飞机, and it’s a reality for the journey that our food makes from farm to table, as well as the packages that are conveniently dropped off at our doors. 

Every connection, every hand-off along the way comes with a cybersecurity risk ― at some level. And with each connected 系统 and 子系统, and the introduction of new technologies into 交通网络, the need for robust cybersecurity measures increases. 也就是说, cybersecurity risks should not stop transportation organisations from taking full advantage of today’s faster, 更智能、更环保的运营.


大量的货物和人员, and an unprecedented influx of devices are driving transportation organisations to re-evaluate how they address network security to deal with the way the world works today. We are all familiar with security strategies based on organisational structure and departments such as finance, 销售, R&D、人力资源. This type of segmentation strategy is no longer enough as people now work from anyw在这里 and no departmental 系统 is considered safer than another.

In addition to the people side of segmentation and access, transportation operators need to think about a single management 系统 that provides a cohesive view across all wired and wireless network resources to ensure full visibility and control over all network resources.


运输 operators may be specialists in their industry, 然而, 他们可能不是网络安全方面的专家. Working with an experienced partner can provide the expertise necessary to develop and deploy the right model for their network.

A zero trust approach to network security safeguards the organisations’ resources, 而不是网络本身, 通过保护对资源的访问.

The way zero trust network security works is that it assumes attackers are already present and always ready to strike. T在这里 is no implicit trust ― no waiting around for a breach and then responding. It applies multiple layers of security protection equally to every internal and external person, 系统, 子系统, 应用程序, 以及试图接入网络的设备. Access is strictly limited to the resources that are needed when the request is made. Additionally, all network resources are continuously scanned for unusual or malicious activities.


While every transportation operator’s cybersecurity requirements are unique, a five-step methodology can help them assess and implement the zero trust security measures that make the most sense for their organisation. 这些包括:

  1. 监控: Identify all data types, 应用程序, assets, and network services that need to be protected.
  2. 验证评估数据流向的方式, 通过和关闭网络, including cloud environments as well as the way network resources interact.
  3. 规划: Architect and segment the network around the data types, 应用程序, 需要保护的资产和网络服务.
  4. 模拟: Develop and test the policies to verify they appropriately consider and protect all network resources.
  5. 执行: Continuously monitor the environment to detect policy violations, apply remediation and discover opportunities to strengthen the policy.


Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise is involved in some of the most innovative initiatives in the transportation industry globally, including state-wide Intelligent 运输 Systems (它的) implementations in North America and internationally acclaimed rail initiatives in Europe.

ALE前沿、多服务、多模式 网络解决方案 在骨干网中加入加固交换机, stackable switches at the network core and SPB technology, 所有这些都具有内置的安全机制. They support an exponentially increasing number of sensors, cameras and 物联网 devices to 安全 deliver passengers and goods w在这里 they need to be, when they need to be t在这里. 

To learn more about ALE security strategies and solutions for the transportation industry, 下载我们的白皮书: Smarter, greener, more secure transportation through digital transportation.




罗氏制药Muraine leads the ALE global transportation business practice, 负责铁路, 路, 空运和海运. 他在IT领域拥有超过20年的全球经验, 网络和电信营销, and extensive involvement in field as well as operational activities make him ideal for this role. 

Roch holds an engineering degree in Computer Science from ESI Paris, and a postgraduate Masters in Telecommunication from Institut Mines-Télécom. 






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